Saturday, February 11, 2012

300 Reasons

So, Mustache Man (that's my son) and I watched 300.  My other son, Sharpie Boy, didn't make it through the opening credits before running off to draw.


The actors were brilliant, and I actually liked the effects (as a gamer, it is all about the visuals and the game play).  But, I just couldn't get into the story line.  It probably would have been awesome to have seen it in the theatre with surround sound, as watching it on my macbook pro isn't the same experience.  Also, having to answer 4000 questions every 32 seconds so Mustache Man could follow along wasn't helping (he is 10).  We liked some of the creatures, and, of course, "this is Sparta" is now a catch phrase around the house...(as in "Pick up your toys!  Off to bed!  This is Sparta!"  That will get some good use (just like that guy that shot his daughter's laptop...."This is your laptop; this is my 45" is a great phrase to get my kids to eat dinner).

After watching the movie, I went to a mate's house to play Risk in celebration of another mate's birthday.  There are at least 300 reasons why I can not and should not conquer the world.  I suck at it is probably the best reason.

Living in the middle of nowhere at a boarding school limits other Saturday night entertainment, but we had fun.

I have watched a few of the links people sent to me about Gerard, and, eh, they were OK.  I liked him on the Ferguson show and on the British talk show.  I also liked his clip on SNL.  Having played bagpipes for years all over the east coast at Scottish games, I have no problem with accents.  But, the SNL skit was funny, as it reminded me of friends I have not seen or talked to in years.

The last site I looked at was just atrocious.  It was about that desperate housewives chic.  First of all, don't even get me started on the desperate housewives.  They are all, um, desperate?  Second, the comments section of the page was just dumb.  It is amazing to me how people think they know someone based off anything our media scrapes up.  Do I really care if Gerry is a man whore???  Do little children in Africa care that Gerry's trailer door is busy? Really?  This is what we most care about as a society????

So, that is where I stopped.  I tried.  I really tried, for a day, to be a super fan.  Sorry, Gerry, it isn't in me.  I leave you to all the other women of the world that can pay that much attention to your every move.

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