Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sorting the eMail: My New Favorite App! Unsubscribr

The email box overfloweth.  Always.

On any given day, I get about 1200 messages.  About 200 of them are useful, and only about 50 are personally directed. The rest?

Ahhhhh...the amazing mailing list pile.

By the way, that 1200 doesn't count the spam folder where I am guaranteed to have a larger, um, device and a bajillion dollars if I would just send over my bank account information so my long lost auntie can leave all her money to me.

Today, through the amazing MakeUseOf site, I was introduced to Unsubscribr.  You just type in your email, and poof, it sorts.  When it is done sorting, it gives you the option of just deleting your membership to the mailing list, OR it will also sweep it out of your mailbox.

No kidding, I went through and deleted over 1000 messages in less than 5 minutes.

It's funny, though, because I remember joining all these mailing lists in the past 8 years, but, ye gads, who has time to read all that stuff????  In my hopes of purging and becoming digitally lighter (and physically, but that is a whole other story), I found a quick, easy, and, let's face it, rewarding way to scoop the litter.

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Thanks for your comment! I will check it out, and if you are not a spammer, I will post your comment!